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Just a girl with an addiction to TV Series & Films.


I have an obsession with watching different television series and movies. Science fiction, thrillers, comedies, romance, action, are some of the different genres that I enjoying watching. I like watching different types of movies, but I have a passion for watching television series.


I enjoy watching television series because like the rest of the audience I get involved with the story lines that are constantly being developed. When watching television series you get to see the characters grow, become relatable, and changing, which is difficult to see in movies. As an audience you feel drawn into the story as the plot, characters, and storylines develop and change growing somewhat attached to the characters you are watching every week. This is one of the many reasons why I prefer series over movies.


While I love all of the different aspects of production, I have to say that my passion lays with editing. I enjoy spending the necessary time needed to edit video projects. I have an excellent attention to details, espically when continuity is required. I am creative, outgoing, and a problem solver. I am always punctual, responsible and reliable. I have a professional attiude in the different projects that I'm involved in. I also like to have fun and truly enjoy what I do. I am always eager to learn new things in this business, because you can never know too much in the world of television production.


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My blogs will be via Tumblr and sometimes Twitter. I am a TV / Production nerd and will most likely be blogging about what I love most, different television series. I watch way too many TV series thanks to the different platforms that are allowing us to do so. While I will be talking about different series, I will also be addressing different aspects of production.


Hope to hear from some of you.


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